The Real Ragu

Ragu doesn’t come in a jar.

Baked ziti! It was so good, Papa would have said I "made a mistake." 🙂

Real ragu comes from a pot of crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, onion, sausage, ground beef, basil and parsley that has been simmering for at least three hours.

It serves as the base sauce or topping from many a wonderful dish like ravioli, lasagna,and  baked ziti, just to name a few.

The real ragu atop springs with ricotta.

Around this time last year, I made the family ragu by myself for the first time, as part of dish for a themed pot luck based around family recipes. I married that sauce recipe from Dad’s side with the ricotta filling for lasagna from Mom’s side to come up with a fantastic baked ziti.

On subsequent occasions I’ve simply poured the sauce over spring-shaped macaroni and topped it off with a heaping scoop of ricotta. The best of all possible worlds.

That’s the real ragu. It doesn’t come from a jar.

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